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Annual Awards

Annual Awards

The SPX Annual Awards originated from a traditionally organised Competition focused solely on annual reports many years ago (was called Annual Report Competition – ARC), however, in order to maintain its relevance in the overall financial markets structure, the SPX had always maintained a lookout for inventive ways to organise a yearly occasion that could become a signature event for the entire capital market industry.

As such, in the year 2017, the SPX revamped its traditional Annual Report Competition and launched a more comprehensive and an all-inclusive awards event where, in addition to accepting, assessing  and awarding prizes for annual reports (for both listed entities and unlisted organisations), the SPX also recognises the efforts and outstanding contribution of its key stakeholders including stockbrokers, listed entities, investment advisers, and investors and rewards them accordingly.

Click here to view details of the winners for the SPX Annual Awards for the past years.
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