Market Status:
Guidance Notes

Guidance Notes 
The SPX Listing Rules establish standards and best practices to facilitate development and operation of an organised capital market providing listed entities with access to market to attract a broad base of public shareholders. In furtherance of the Listing Rules the SPX thereunder has issued Guidelines which provide practical procedures which needs to be undertaken when a listed entity/ broking member decides to take an action to ensure protection of the market as a whole.

The SPX continually monitors its Guidance Notes to ensure they remain appropriate for its markets. From time to time, the SPX will amend its Guidance Notes to respond to changes in the market environment, (e.g. changes in legislative requirements, changes in technology, market behaviour or economic conditions) or to facilitate overall market development.

The following Guidance Notes can be accessed below:
Guidance Note View/Download
Disclosure of Information by Listed Entities
Independent Directors
Non-Resident Investor
Related Party Transactions
Rights Issue
Share Buy-Back Procedures

The Guidance Notes are issued to help those subject to the SPX Rules to meet their regulatory requirements and should not be constructed as law.

Please contact the SPX on for updated Guidance Notes as the website may not be updated in real-time, reflecting the most recent amendments.